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Creating Custom Template

In some cases you would like to create your own custom template. Basically, what you need to do is to inherit one of the predifined templates and to override some properties.

Org Chart JS visual components

You can change the look and feel of the following Org Chart JS components.

  1. Node
  2. Fields
  3. Image
  4. Link
  5. Node menu button
  6. Expand/Collapse button
  7. Menu button
  8. Move icon
The first thing that you need to do is to inherit some of the existing templates:
    OrgChart.templates.myTemplate = Object.assign({}, OrgChart.templates.ana);

1. Node customization

If you want to change the color, shape or size of the node you have to define node and size

Here is an example:
     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.size = [200, 200];
     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.node =
                '<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="100" fill="#4D4D4D" stroke-width="1" stroke="#aeaeae"></circle>';
     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.defs = '';

You will need to modify the ripple, color, radius and rect

     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.ripple = {
        radius: 100,
        color: "#e6e6e6",
        rect: null

Or you can disable the ripple

     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.ripple = {
        radius: 0,
        color: "none",

2. Field customization

To change the position of the fields define field_0 and field_1. You can define as many fields as you want

     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.field_0 = '<text style="font-size: 24px;" fill="#ffffff" x="100" y="90" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>';
     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.field_1 = '<text style="font-size: 16px;" fill="#ffffff" x="100" y="60" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>';

3. Image customization

To change the position of the image define img_0

     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.img_0 =
        '<clipPath id="ulaImg">'
        + '<circle cx="100" cy="150" r="40"></circle>'
        + '</clipPath>'
        + '<image preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" clip-path="url(#ulaImg)" xlink:href="{val}" x="60" y="110" width="80" height="80">'
        + '</image>';

4. Link customization

To change the links between the nodes override link

        '<path stroke="#686868" stroke-width="1px" fill="none" data-l-id="[{id}][{child-id}]" d="M{xa},{ya} C{xb},{yb} {xc},{yc} {xd},{yd}" />';

5. Node menu button customization

To change the position and the shape of the node menu button nodeMenuButton

     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.nodeMenuButton =
        '<g style="cursor:pointer;" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,93,15)" data-ctrl-n-menu-id="{id}">'
        + '<rect x="-4" y="-10" fill="#000000" fill-opacity="0" width="22" height="22">'
        + '</rect>'
        + '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="10" stroke-width="2" stroke="rgb(255, 202, 40)" />'
        + '<line x1="7" y1="0" x2="7" y2="10" stroke-width="2" stroke="rgb(255, 202, 40)" />'
        + '<line x1="14" y1="0" x2="14" y2="10" stroke-width="2" stroke="rgb(255, 202, 40)" />'
        + '</g>';

6. Expand/Collapse button customization

To change the shape and the color define plus and minus and expandCollapseSize

            '<rect x="0" y="0" width="36" height="36" rx="12" ry="12" fill="#2E2E2E" stroke="#aeaeae" stroke-width="1"></rect>'
        + '<line x1="4" y1="18" x2="32" y2="18" stroke-width="1" stroke="#aeaeae"></line>'
        + '<line x1="18" y1="4" x2="18" y2="32" stroke-width="1" stroke="#aeaeae"></line>'

    OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.minus =
            '<rect x="0" y="0" width="36" height="36" rx="12" ry="12" fill="#2E2E2E" stroke="#aeaeae" stroke-width="1"></rect>'
        + '<line x1="4" y1="18" x2="32" y2="18" stroke-width="1" stroke="#aeaeae"></line>'

    OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.expandCollapseSize = 36;

7. Menu button customization

To change the shape and the color define menuButton

     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.menuButton =
        '<div style="position:absolute;right:{p}px;top:{p}px; width:40px;height:50px;cursor:pointer;" data-ctrl-menu="">'
        + '<hr style="background-color: rgb(255, 202, 40); height: 3px; border: none;">'
        + '<hr style="background-color: rgb(255, 202, 40); height: 3px; border: none;">'
        + '<hr style="background-color: rgb(255, 202, 40); height: 3px; border: none;">'
        + '</div>';

8. Move icon customization

To change the tree move icon define pointer

     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.pointer =
        '<g data-pointer="pointer" transform="matrix(0,0,0,0,100,100)">><g transform="matrix(0.3,0,0,0.3,-17,-17)">'
        + '<polygon fill="rgb(255, 202, 40)" points="53.004,173.004 53.004,66.996 0,120" />'
        + '<polygon fill="rgb(255, 202, 40)" points="186.996,66.996 186.996,173.004 240,120" />'
        + '<polygon fill="rgb(255, 202, 40)" points="66.996,53.004 173.004,53.004 120,0" />'
        + '<polygon fill="rgb(255, 202, 40)" points="120,240 173.004,186.996 66.996,186.996" />'
        + '<circle fill="rgb(255, 202, 40)" cx="120" cy="120" r="30" />'
        + '</g></g>';

Voila, here is the result:

9. Other examples:

You can rotate the text using transform.

     OrgChart.templates.myTemplate.field_0 =
        '<text width="230" transform="translate(300, -70) rotate(90)" style="font-size: 18px;" fill="#fff" x="125" y="95" text-anchor="middle">{val}</text>';

If you have any difficulties to create a template, please contact us, we will create a template that matches your project design for FREE.

Code demo on how to create multiple charts in one page with different template defs.

Below is a screenshot, provided to us by a client, that demonstrates how customizable is OrgChart JS.

Here you can find some of our customer's templates.

We would be happy if you share your template with us. Please send it as jsfiddle or an html file to